Tuesday 1 March 2011

Bruises, bee stings and boo boos

You may think being in a National team training camp before going away to World Championships would be all sunshine and roses, but not necessarily so.

Yesterday we had a couple of low speed tumbles, largely due to limited familiarity with local traffic conditions - fortunately no real harm done and I won't name names because that would just be mean! We also managed a bee giving up its life for the bee cause after getting caught inside a jersey. Yep, a bee sting on the chest smarts for a while!

And to round out the fun and games, there was the athlete who put the wrong gear on her bike by mistake and ended up pedalling way faster at training than any of us anticipated. Some of you will work out who that was if you've been following the blog closely.

Yours truly isn't squeaky clean either - the rest of the management team had great fun at my expense after I underestimated the power of the B & K tandem team and didn't do their back wheel up tight enough resulting in a rather hasty stop to one of their standing start efforts and the 'real' mechanic stepping in to set things right!

All in all, a pretty full couple of days with a bit of variation to the normal routine to give people a few chuckles along the way.

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