Monday 7 March 2011

A very short Spring

Around dinner time last night the wind blew up and blew Winter back into Montichiari! From sunny, perfect cycling conditions yesterday, we woke this morning to freezing windy overcast stay-indoors conditions. Our track session was in the late morning and it only managed to get to around 16 degrees indoors so everything was a bit slower to get moving. The ergos came in very handy for extra warm ups and recovery post session.

Here's Alex (nearest camera) warming up, while Steph and Felicity do a whole session on the ergos, having suffered a major mechanical on the tandem. Steph's so powerful she literally ripped the pedal out of the crank! A lot of time and effort has gone into rectifying the problem but things are looking up now. In the meantime they're only able to train on the ergos.

This afternoon there was a brief opportunity for a bit of sightseeing so half the group headed out for a guided tour of the local area courtesy Paul, the boys' tandem coach, while the rest of us explored the area surrounding our hotel. This is Lago di Garda, with just enough snow in the background to prove it's really there. (photo courtesy Steph)

Those of us closer to home investigated Castello Bonoris, the 12th century castle overlooking the town. Unfortunately it's only open on the weekends and since next weekend is right in the middle of the Championships, it's unlikely we'll get to explore. Still, its pretty impressive from the outside.

Tomorrow marks three days til the start of competition and the day we have to start sharing our track sessions with other countries. It will be interesting with 28 bikes including tandems and single bikes all going around together but I'm sure we'll all cope! Ciao for now...

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