Monday 5 September 2011

And then there was rain... Oh, and colds.

We woke this morning to the not so soothing sound of constant rain. Not so good for practising on a technical course and not worth risking falls so close to competition. It wasn't such an issue for Sue, who was given the day off to try to see off the cold bug that's been plaguing her since a couple of days after arrival.  Kerry also had the day off to try to prevent the onset of the same bug. Brandie has also had the bug but is on the way up again, so good timing for the commencement of competition later in the week.

Jing has managed to stay healthy - must be because she's part of a different team! We still weren't prepared to chance it by going out in the rain, so she completed a productive session on the trainer, blowing the cobwebs out of the system.

This afternoon saw us doing another reccie of the course in the van. Its not quite as good as actually riding it, but it allowed us to identify a few more important things that will help get the best possible result come race day.

The weather also afforded an opportunity to check out the Factory Outlet Centre across the road from the hotel, and another couple of coffee shops.  At between $7-8 per cup of coffee, we're on rations though!

We picked up our accreditation from Championships HQ without any hassles, although there were some raised eyebrows when three English speaking people fronted up representing Chinese Taipei!  At least Jing and Jenny look the part.  I just maintained that I was adopted.  It elicited some laughs, but somehow I don't think anyone took me seriously.  We now look very official in our very smart team kit AND our accreditation cards on our very special "Sport Event Denmark" lanyards.

We're hopeful of good weather for tomorrow to allow some more riding on the course and then hopefully a half day trip to Copenhagen for some R&R pre race day.

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