Sunday 11 September 2011

Look out world, here comes Jing!

In her first World Road Championship appearance, Jing has improved from 6th in the time trial to finish a strong 4th in today's road race. The race was run over three laps of the 15.2km race circuit at Roskilde (the time trial was one lap of the same course).

The field stayed together for most of the first lap but the American defending champion, a Spanish C2 and a German C3 rider rode away on one of the climbs towards the end of lap one. The Spanish rider found the going a bit tough and dropped off, leaving the American and the German to ride together for the rest of the race, crossing the finish line with a joint victory salute for the cameras.

Meanwhile, Jing was having her own personal battle with another C3 rider, who narrowly edged her out in the sprint finish, but since they're in different divisions, it was academic anyway.

Here's Jing, very relieved to be crossing the finish line
This afternoon the tandem divisions have their road races, so more results later...


  1. Hi!! This an old gym friend of Jings', Lance. Please tell her good luck for me and it would be nice to hear from her!!
